The Shed is up!!!! Thanks to a couple of our friends with trucks and trailers we have a shed now and it is all put together. So now we have more room in the garage and less stuff hanging around in the back yard making it look junkie. Now we just have to figure out how to keep the yellow jackets from making their homes in there and we are set! Things are finally coming together with the house. Its unfortunate, there is so much we want to do and just not enough resources to do it. Of course I'm aware that is the case for most people so I shouldn't complain too much. So I won't.
Last time I mentioned that Little Moo wasn't really napping but occasionally he crashes during some hard play. His newest craze is to pull the sheets off his mattress and push the mattress off the box springs, dump ALL of his toys and pull things of the hangers. It makes for a long clean up sessions. Everyday. Sometimes a couple times a day...but here are a couple pictures of him falling asleep during play, they're pretty cute.
Zippercow and I are looking forward to our upcoming yard sale extravaganza. We go to a community yard sale every year. I don't know why we like it so much, but we do. Most of the time we don't even buy anything, but just walk around looking for hours. Good exercise, it is usually sunny and we might find something we are looking for, how can that not be fun? Also it is the start of our very busy couple of months between Father's Day, my birthday, Independence Day, a wedding, Little Moo's Birthday, a baby shower, out of town guests and all the other stuff that comes up in between it is going to be most busy. But we should know better, it is like this every summer, it just feels more hectic because the older we get the faster the time seems to go.