We've been busy, busy! I realize that isn't a good excuse, truth be told I am terrible at keeping anything updated. But before I get into what we've been up to, a cute little story!
Little Moo was "clipping coupons" with me cutting his paper and "coloring" like mommy but the cats wouldn't leave him alone (this is mostly due to the catnip being stored in the same drawer as his marker box) after fussing about Wampus a few times I explained to him that the cats just like the way they smell. I immediately realized my mistake as Little Moo turned his back to me. I asked him what he was doing (assuming he was smelling it himself) and he quickly turned and said "I'm not coloring the cat!". I looked down and Wampus looked just as guilty. Little Moo was letting Wampus "smell" the marker which of course was just fine with him!
Aside from coloring kitties we've been pretty busy. Zippercow has been repairing and painting our bedroom. Out of necessity. Our old AC that was in the wall started leaking inside and we couldn't figure out what was causing it or how to fix it (the thing predates the internet!) So we put a new one in. I shouldn't say we, it was all Zippercow. He has been very busy reframing, dry walling, mudding, taping and painting. I've done what I could to help, but someone has to keep Little Moo out of the middle of everything. In the meantime our bed and computer have been in the middle of the living room. Not ideal living conditions, but Zippercow is almost done! We may even be back in our room by our 4th Anniversary!
We also had some out of town guests which we had a blast with, too bad they are allergic to the cats, tenting it in our backyard only works in the summer. We have also been in weddings, thrown baby showers and had a pretty fun birthday party for Little Moo, and have been spending quite a few evenings with Zippercow's sister and brother-in-law. Sadly they moved back to the western side of the state so we won't be seeing them as much. We already miss you Carrie and Caleb!
My latest venture has been savings through coupon clipping. I love the thrill of the thrift! So if you get coupons you don't use, feel free to share them! It has given me a challenge which I sorely needed and also save our family money, not too shabby.
I'm sure I'm missing a bunch of things in the middle there but we've mostly been keeping super busy with stuff around the house and with our friends and family. I'll add some more photos.as soon as I find our cables to upload the photos!