Okay, So I am fully aware that this is a less than flattering picture of myself, but it adequately depicts how I feel about the state of our house. Insert high pitched shriek. I’m sure it is mostly a bit of cabin fever ready for a healthy dose of some massive spring cleaning, but for goodness sakes!!!!! So. much. stuff.
Being “organized” seems so short lived in our home. I feel I’ve been mislead, that once you get organized that is it, everything has a place and all is wonderful in the world. The problem seems to be that it only lasts as long as the stuff that you need to organize does. For instance we have our garage organized with shelves and totes, but what needs to be in some of those totes continuously changes as do the other items in the garage. So the trick is having the time to sort and label the items to go in the bins. And until then things just get shoved everywhere. Much with our closets in our home, everything can be folded and put in its place but after a couple months everything seems to be everywhere. Maybe I’m not as organized as I think I am? All I know is everything is everywhere and I need the garage organized before I can move things out there, and it is too cold to do that so everything seems to be “under construction” until the weather improves.
As if getting everything together wasn’t enough, we are also working on painting the interior of our home. We have opted for a slow but steady option, I say this because mostly the Hubs may leave if I asked him to tackle it all at once. Mostly because I haven’t figured out how to do the painting and watch 3 children by myself. So we have painted a little of the trim and doors every weekend over the last month or so and then we will paint the walls. It hasn’t been decided if this really is the best way to carry this out, but I’m keeping my fingers crossed. So now we have stuff everywhere and partially painted walls.
Zippercow thought it would be best to paint our test spot in an aesthetically pleasing manner. Mostly because he can’t handle a random square on the wall. So we have this green over the pantry door, and a tan color in our dining room and kitchen. I promise pictures when we finish!
Here is our messy living room with partially painted trim down the hall. We are almost done with all the doors and trim in the hall.
So as you can see we have a lot of work ahead of us, but I really wanted to share our progress with everyone. Why? Because when it is all done it will seem that much more fabulous!!! So over the next couple of days I will be posting pictures of our home in its pre-spring cleaning state and then (of course!) share the after pictures. I will tell you one thing, taking time to organize is always worth it, because it makes re-organizing that much easier. Welcome to our decrapification!!!