You should probably multiply that times 16 to be more accurate. Sadly we haven’t had much luck with planting trees. Last year we received 10 trees from the Arbor Day Foundation and we were so excited about putting trees in our nekked back yard. Then none of them grew. Not. One. Single. One. Out of ten, really?!? For a whole summer we had a bunch of nicely edged spots in the yard with dead twigs sticking up out of the dirt. We let them hang around hoping they would grow but no such luck. I think a rabbit may have even taken off with one of the “trees”.
So this year we thought we would try again. We purchased 6 trees. So far we’ve had much better luck. mostly.

We purchased 3 Red Bud and 3 Hydrangea Trees. The Hydrangeas were SUPER excited to be alive and are doing great. They are small still but I swear much like my children I can ACTUALLY see them growing before my very eyes! The Red Buds aren’t nearly as excited, but surely are growing. Well some of them that is. Out of our six trees only four of them seem to be growing. Enter our newest addition.
Remember that community yard sale I couldn’t shut up about? We bought a tree. Yep at a yard sale, can you believe it!!! I’m sure it will forever be known as the yard sale tree.

So apparently we have to kill 12 trees to get 5??? We are hoping to get another one to replace one of the ill looking Hydrangea trees. With all the forests that exist who knew it would be so difficult to grow trees! I think we’ve learned we need to buy slightly more established trees. Sure they are a little more expensive, but it might mean they stand a chance against us!
In other exciting news here are our Lilacs we are growing in the front of the house.

Don’t mind the weeds around the lilacs. We are planning on putting river rock in the flower beds so I haven’t been keeping up on top of weeding.
Um, okay I confess. I’m am terrible about weeding. But at least the lilacs don’t seem to care!