Over 30 days since we put in the offer on our house and we are still....waiting. I've tried looking up etiquette for situations like these, is it rude and pushy to put in a call daily to see what the progress is or is it perfectly reasonable. I get the sense that they are just patronizing me and then I get the "we'll call you as soon as we know anything". But on occasion, I've spoken to the agent or our loan officer halfway through the day and they will say "oh, I haven't checked my email yet today" and other similar comments. So I call. I understand that our family buying a house is not the center of all that they do, but it is the main focus in our life at this time and that is why it seems necessary to call everyday just to see how everything is progressing. This whole process if overly frustrating (though from the sounds of it, we are not doing any worse than anyone else at the same point in the process) and neither Zippercow nor myself do so well with things being open ended and unresolved. We just want to know the date!
On a much different note, I have found the perfect art table for Little Moo. A box! He has helped decorate most of the boxes we put his toys in and we had to sacrifice one large box just for the purpose of coloring, stickering, playing in, building forts with, racing cars, and the list goes on! Now obviously I won't be able to save these boxes in a scrapbook or anything, but it certainly is fun! He seems to be doing well with the idea of moving (we will see if that continues to be true once the move takes place) and asks every time we leave our current home if we are going to buy a house. We tell him "yes, but not today" because heck, we don't even know when!
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Friday, November 14, 2008
Under Construction....
So we have merged the blog I started with our original Zipper Herd page. There are some format things we want to fix but we will not be taking care of that until after we move. Just wanted to let everyone know that I have not already abandoned the blog but we are busy packing! Hopefully moving day will come soon, we shall see!
Friday, November 7, 2008
The Uneatable Cupcake
In quite a few kid friendly cookbooks and magazines I have seen that a nice treat for kiddos is frosted angel food cupcakes. And for extra added fun let them frost them! And to that I say DON'T DO IT! As fun as it should be to frost cupcakes, these were no ordinary cupcakes. Anyone who has ever had angel food cake should instantly know where the problem lies. IT IS AIR! Therefore impossible to hold to frost be cause they just squish, and lets face it, children are far from being "delicate" when holding things, especially if they are trying to concentrate on getting
frosting on to a delicious treat they will soon devour. Oh, and you can't eat them either. They are trick cupcakes. They look delicious and innocent enough, a nice tasty treat. Until you take a bite, the whole thing folds and you end up with frosting all over your face and hands. Ha, ha! You didn't really need the empty calories anyway! Lets just say is was a bit of a cupcake disaster. Little Moo couldn't frost his and just ended up eating the frosting (which I am sure he didn't mind) and anyone else ended up with cake in their face. I'm pretty sure the term "angel" just didn't fit the bill with these treats. Silly Mommy!
frosting on to a delicious treat they will soon devour. Oh, and you can't eat them either. They are trick cupcakes. They look delicious and innocent enough, a nice tasty treat. Until you take a bite, the whole thing folds and you end up with frosting all over your face and hands. Ha, ha! You didn't really need the empty calories anyway! Lets just say is was a bit of a cupcake disaster. Little Moo couldn't frost his and just ended up eating the frosting (which I am sure he didn't mind) and anyone else ended up with cake in their face. I'm pretty sure the term "angel" just didn't fit the bill with these treats. Silly Mommy!
What has two feet, blue eyes, and rings? A wee Little Moo!

So about a week later, here are some pictures of Little Moo in his costume on Halloween. Is it any shock that our Little Moo was, well...a moo! He was so cute ( to a ridiculous extent) in his little costume and the cow bell added a nice touch. We visited friends and family to "trick-or-treat" just intending to visit a few people and not actually go door to door. However when we got to our last friend to visit the neighborhood was bustling with children and it was pleasantly warm out so Little Moo and I went to the houses on our friends small street and the cul-de-sac at the end. It was pretty fun. Every step LM took his cowbell rang (hilarious!) and he got pretty good at saying "trick-or-treat". He got a good amount of candy which he wanted, but strangely his favorite treat was the apple he got from Nana and Auntie Raino. It was a pretty tasty apple (we cut it up and shared it after he took a few bites). Me thinks our Little Moo will enjoy this holiday in the future.

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