What has two feet, blue eyes, and rings? A wee Little Moo!

So about a week later, here are some pictures of Little Moo in his costume on Halloween. Is it any shock that our Little Moo was, well...a moo! He was so cute ( to a ridiculous extent) in his little costume and the cow bell added a nice touch. We visited friends and family to "trick-or-treat" just intending to visit a few people and not actually go door to door. However when we got to our last friend to visit the neighborhood was bustling with children and it was pleasantly warm out so Little Moo and I went to the houses on our friends small street and the cul-de-sac at the end. It was pretty fun. Every step LM took his cowbell rang (hilarious!) and he got pretty good at saying "trick-or-treat". He got a good amount of candy which he wanted, but strangely his favorite treat was the apple he got from Nana and Auntie Raino. It was a pretty tasty apple (we cut it up and shared it after he took a few bites). Me thinks our Little Moo will enjoy this holiday in the future.

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