Christmas, and then some! Christmas was nice, my family stayed over on Christmas Eve because we were expecting a large storm (which we got) and were worried we wouldn't be able to get together Christmas Morning. We had a lot of fun and Little Moo got some nice gifts that he really likes, but mostly it was just nice to have everyone together. Unfortunately the weather prevented my Uncle from being able to get over so we did miss him, but otherwise we were able to get everyone here. We had fondue for Christmas dinner and we are pretty sure this will become a tradition, which is fine because it is tasty!
More exciting news, as of Christmas night Little Moo no longer sleeps. Which means we don't sleep. On
Christmas he decided it was a good time to climb in and out of his crib and we felt it just wasn't safe anymore to leave him in there and despite wanting to ease him into it a little more we just didn't have that luxury. So we took the side of his crib off and now it is his big boy bed....tear...he's getting so big. Unfortunately I think our talk about him being a big boy and not sleeping in his crib anymore backfired, because it is still his "crib" the side is just off and there is no side rail so he has chosen not to sleep in it. Fortunately we happened to have an extra crib mattress that is on the floor, but he doesn't sleep on that either. He chooses to
sleep on the floor in front of the door.
The last couple nights he has pulled up a pillow, blanket and a doll to lay on the floor with. We tried putting him back to bed for a couple nights but since he insists on sleeping with his room light on he wakes up then takes forever to fall back asleep. We feel guilty leaving him but feel he is probably getting more sound sleep staying put, especially since he has a blanket and pillow. We are unsure how to fix this and are hoping he will eventually migrate to the bed, but who knows. I had no idea that I should look forward to no sleep after he had outgrown his infant wakings. Each day brings a new suprise and unfortunately all of us are too tired to know what to do with it!
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