To be honest I didn't really think anyone was actually viewing this blog so when I realized it had been a few months I didn't feel too guilty, but apparently I was wrong! Our Family has been pretty busy so lets see if I can update everyone.
I had my wisdom teeth out in the beginning of March and before I was fully recovered both Little Moo and Zippercow came

down with a terrible, terrible virus that meant that I had to take care of them...ah, to be a mom! Then when everyone was better Zippercow had to leave town for a trade show and then we had to get ready for A.J. and Stephanie's wedding where I was a bridesmaid and Little Moo was a ring bearer. The wedding was great and so much fun and LM looked absolutely adorable in his tux! Did I mention that was also the weekend of Easter? So tons of stuff is going on and will be continuing that way all through the summer.
We've been working very hard on the yard. Actually I shouldn't say "we" more like Zippercow. I've found I can't really get anything done while watching Little Moo so the things I do tend to be done in spurts as I find the time and he is being cooperative. It is safe to say that HE IS TWO as in the independent, tantrums and ar

gumentative nature that rightfully gets the title, The Terrible Twos. While it is to be expected that most children will go through this age and stage it has limited me in most projects I like to take on. I thought I just wasn't handling it well until Zippercow claimed the same about his Sundays with Little Moo and was quick to say he would not trade me his job even on his most stressful day. So I have been reading. Mostly because I needed something I could do after the chores were done while the kids (I watch another kiddo during the week) were playing with each other that could easily be set aside (unlike my paper crafting) , and quite honestly I needed something to keep my brain from complete atrophy. Don't get me wrong, being a stay at home mom is challenging but definitely doesn't make use of my full intellectual capacities. I do however get to referee many tiffs over imaginary toys. At least they are using their imaginations right?
So since I've rambled incoherently, let me continue! About LM. We've been trying to teach him sign language (ASL) and have found these wonderful DVDs called Signing Time and he has been soaking it up! Also he is doing much better with the potty training. Still having accidents but they are fewer and far between so he is well on his way to being potty trained, yay!!! Our biggest obstacle at this time is that he doesn't nap. We've tried nap time and he just screams and kicks and throws tows until nap time is over. And when he naps he is very grumpy and seems to take just as long recovering from his nap as he did napping. So we have instituted quiet time instead. He is to play in his room quietly for the allotted time and is only has to sleep if he wants to. This has seemed to work out pretty well. He still doesn't sleep but the quiet time seems to help and then I still get some peace in my day as well. He still seems to need the sleep, but again, if he naps an hour and screams and tantrums for an hour after that it seems to defeat the whole purpose of napping.
So that is mostly what is going on right now along with my brother and sister-in-law are going to have a baby soon and Carrie and Caleb are temporarily living in town which we really love! Oh and Zippercow is working on getting a shed in the back yard and cursing the dandelions in our yard. Fortunately they are mostly gone now!
I will try to be better about updating. Little Moo is growing so fast it is hard to keep up so I really should post more as things happen and not months later!