Redeem himself he will though! As with most children, right when you are ready to pull your hair out and run screaming into the night they do something remarkably sweet or hilarious just long enough to make you rethink your previous escape plan. A few nights ago I sat in across the room from Little Moos bed in his mostly dark and quiet room trying to provide a reminder to stay in bed. He had been near sleep 4 times and then all of a sudden active and I was trying to keep my sanity whilst trying to be soothing (not an easy task) when in a sleepy voice he started listing all the people who were sleeping, "Grammy, Grampy, Grams, Gramps, Tyler, Karen, Uncle Nustin..." and the list went on. I found it humorous (though duly noted that Mommy, Daddy or Little Moo were nowhere on that list) but didn't respond to him. He was quiet for a few moments and I was certain he had finally fallen asleep when he rolled over and said "Mommy, this is ridiculous" though I hadn't said anything to him in quite some time I had to chuckle and say "Yes Little Moo, it is".
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
"Sleep is like the unicorn - it is rumored to exist, but I doubt I will see any"
Little Moo has not slept through the night since Christmas. Apparently his big boy bed is proving to be a bit much for
him. We took it a step further and purchased a twin mattress and box spring. This way we can have them on the floor and have a safety railing up. Not that it makes any difference anyhow, because he still sleeps on the floor. We've been working hard at being consistent but with him being sick most of that just goes out the window. We just want him to sleep! I am painfully aware that sleeping troubles are the bane of most parents (especial those of infants and toddlers), but I just miss my sleep. It is a shame that at this point when they need so much from you toddlers prevent you from sleeping, something that is so desperately needed in order to recharge for the next day so that we can be the patient, loving parents we all want to be. I find myself half listening to people and never really
getting anything done (oh yeah he won't nap either!). And god help you if you are amongst the people who share with me that "man I slept until noon today and I'm still tired!". I have no sympathy for you and I don't think Zippercow will either. If he can even keep his eyes open long enough to hear you say that of course. :)
Redeem himself he will though! As with most children, right when you are ready to pull your hair out and run screaming into the night they do something remarkably sweet or hilarious just long enough to make you rethink your previous escape plan. A few nights ago I sat in across the room from Little Moos bed in his mostly dark and quiet room trying to provide a reminder to stay in bed. He had been near sleep 4 times and then all of a sudden active and I was trying to keep my sanity whilst trying to be soothing (not an easy task) when in a sleepy voice he started listing all the people who were sleeping, "Grammy, Grampy, Grams, Gramps, Tyler, Karen, Uncle Nustin..." and the list went on. I found it humorous (though duly noted that Mommy, Daddy or Little Moo were nowhere on that list) but didn't respond to him. He was quiet for a few moments and I was certain he had finally fallen asleep when he rolled over and said "Mommy, this is ridiculous" though I hadn't said anything to him in quite some time I had to chuckle and say "Yes Little Moo, it is".
Redeem himself he will though! As with most children, right when you are ready to pull your hair out and run screaming into the night they do something remarkably sweet or hilarious just long enough to make you rethink your previous escape plan. A few nights ago I sat in across the room from Little Moos bed in his mostly dark and quiet room trying to provide a reminder to stay in bed. He had been near sleep 4 times and then all of a sudden active and I was trying to keep my sanity whilst trying to be soothing (not an easy task) when in a sleepy voice he started listing all the people who were sleeping, "Grammy, Grampy, Grams, Gramps, Tyler, Karen, Uncle Nustin..." and the list went on. I found it humorous (though duly noted that Mommy, Daddy or Little Moo were nowhere on that list) but didn't respond to him. He was quiet for a few moments and I was certain he had finally fallen asleep when he rolled over and said "Mommy, this is ridiculous" though I hadn't said anything to him in quite some time I had to chuckle and say "Yes Little Moo, it is".
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