Thursday, March 17, 2011


So Littlest Moo and Niecey-poo share a room during the day. Initially I was worried that this little arrangement would not work out. Mostly because our Little Moo was never great at sharing a room, he has too much fun and would never go to sleep. But these two little hooligans are the bestest of roommates! Niecey-poo calls Littlest Moo “My-my” and if I’m laying her down she asks for him and looks for him in his crib. And if he is in there he peeks over his crib bumper, like so



Too cute! They love each other so much and know when to have fun and when to get to the serious business of sleep, which Niecey-poo takes VERY seriously. This would be Sleepus Interuptus


Like I said, she takes sleep VERY seriously! Most days they just yell at me when they are awake, but the other day I was finishing something up while they “talked” to each and then heard this

Of course they stop doing it as soon as I come in, but they were giggling for a couple minutes before I brought the camera in. I realize it is a bit dark but I was trying not to disturb their play. I’m just sad I couldn’t catch more of it! He was peeking over the crib bumper and she was popping her head up over the edge of the playpen. I’m so glad they can enjoy being roommates!

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