Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Be Inspired By What Inspires You

What inspires and motivates  you? Is it cute kittens? Motivational Posters with catchy slogans? Sappy quotes? Yeah, most of those things make me go blech. Sure they are great for some but me, I like sarcasm. The more it drips the better. So in honor of that I would like to share some of my favorite blogs. These blogs make my day, make me laugh and remind me that there are LOTS of regular ordinary people that share the same smart ass sense of humor.

The first two are great sarcastic mom sites, because let’s face it, sarcastic humor is the best parenting humor.

Suburban Snapshots


The next two are comics, and sarcasm is at its best when it is drawn with bright colorful images!


Warning: These sites may cause laughter, tears and if you are unfit, abdominal pain from raucous laughter.


I wish I could write more like these hilarious people. They are my sarcaspiration!

Oh, and I can’t forget

Not quite as sarcastic in nature, but you can find some great jewels like these