Should we? Shouldn’t we? We’re pretty sure, we’re done having babies. Nothing is 100% but at this point we are pretty close. But now that most of the women I know are having babies I started to panic. Are we missing out on something? Is there something magic that happens after baby number two? I mean other than being outnumbered? I’m pretty sure Zippercow is tired of me asking. To be honest I’m pretty sure we’re done too, I’m just getting swept up in baby hormones. But I feel we are ready for something new…
A dog?
This was purely a suggestion for a few years from now, you know, when I’m tearful about Littlest Moo going off to school, but something I said recently flipped a switch for the hubs and he’s game on. I’m not sure if it was the argument that boys should have a dog, that it may help Little Moo with his anxiety and give Littlest Moo an active playmate in the back yard or that he too sensed we were ready for something new, but now he is beyond antsy to get a dog. We are pretty specific in what we want and apparently dogs don’t grow on trees (who knew?) which means instant gratification is not in the cards.
He’s worse than a kid sometimes, but his excitement is contagious for sure! Who knew that a Golden Retriever or Golden Mix would be so hard to find? So for now we will prepare for a dog and wait until the right one comes along, I’m sure it will happen sooner than the nine months you wait for a baby!