Monday, December 14, 2009

Happy Holidays!

Sorry it has been so long! We have great news though! We are expecting baby #2!!!! Unfortunately our whole family has been struck with a yucky cold so I've had barely enough energy to care for Little Moo let alone keep up on everything else. I'm behind on Christmas cards, haven't finished decorating for Christmas, obviously haven't kept up on this blog and a so so many other things need to be done.

Zippercow has been taking great care of me and Little Moo couldn't be more excited about being a big brother. We don't know that he really understands it yet, but we aren't due until around his Birthday so I'm sure you know that is a bit out from now. He's pretty insistent that he is having a little sister but we will have to wait and see!

We hope that everyone is enjoying this wonderful holiday season!
