Friday, February 3, 2012

I Don’t Think Skinny Capri-alls Are in Fashion.

Children. They are the best (and most expensive) entertainment ever!

After a successful workout and trip to Costco we returned home and proceeded to get the children ready for bed.  Littlest Moo has recently discovered naked and let’s just say, he’s a fan. He stops mid run every couple feet to inspect his parts and continues on his way. We happen to find this quite hilarious. So while the little one was pleased as pie to be removing clothes the older one, he was inspecting clothes his Grams brought from when Zippercow was little. That’s right, clothes that are more than 25 years old. Uh…thanks?  Little Moo was quite taken with some  awesome Hawaiian shirts, mostly because they have pockets. Apparently this is a thing with him now, shirts with pockets to carry the oh-so-important  things he needs to carry. He came across a particularly striking pair of overalls with matching flannel shirt . Matching because they have the same flannel on the denim as the shirt. He asked if he could have them. They are a size 2T and I told him as much. His response was a to melt and shriek about how he never has overalls. Um…what? I was going to argue that they were too small again but thought screw it  and told him “ I don’t care, go put them on if you want”. So…


He did.

Little Moo: “Mommy, can I keep these?”


Me: “Um…they look a little small.”

Little Moo: “But I like them!”

Zippercow: “I don’t think skinny capri-alls are in fashion bud.”




  1. Cute! He's gonna hate these pictures on 10 years!

  2. I remember Zippercow in that little overall outfit, he was quite adorable! He was trying to help his aunt and uncle build a house by straightening the bent nails.
