Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Giving Up The Good Stuff




After much debate I’ve decided I need to give up my diet soda habit. I know, I know, I’ve said it before, lasted about a week then answered the sirens call of the dark bubbly. I just haven’t been able to completely kick it. What can I say, I love the chemically, bubbly, refreshing goodness! On a hot day nothing tastes better than an ice cold Diet Pepsi. For years I’ve convinced myself that since I don’t smoke, I don’t drink alcohol or even coffee AND in trying to be healthier I also don’t have my tasty treats to fall back on having this one vice isn’t so bad. And no, in the grand scheme of things I suppose it is not but we have reined in our snacking and started exercising regularly and I’m not really seeing results. Instead I’m losing and gaining the same couple pounds. Hello, as an obese woman I should not be fighting to maintain! The steps that I’ve taken thus far should at least be slowly getting me down in the pounds, but instead I’m just staying put. I’ve done some research and while none of the research is conclusive I think it is worth a try.

So, this is a huge undertaking for me. I have been drinking diet soda for 10 years or so and have never been successful in staying soda free. It truly is an addiction. I start with one can, then one can a day, then two, then 3 or 4. I simply must stop! My biggest concern now is the caffeine withdrawal. Even Zippercow raises an eyebrow when I mention giving up the good stuff. My biggest fear is turning into this without caffeine

wicked witch

I hope my husband and children can survive this with me. I know after some time I will get back to myself, but it could be a bit scary to start with but my hope is to go from this


To this

losing weight

Okay, so I am not foolish enough to believe that just giving up diet soda will get me looking like that, but I hope it will help me on my weight loss goal. I am sharing my goal with my internet peeps to help keep me accountable and hopefully so I can get some support.

I will be finishing the soda I have, now my question is should I drink it at my normal rate or cut back and savior it???


  1. Good luck! Do you drink tea at all? Or iced tea? There are a ton of awesome ice teas out there that you can make a huge batch of ... fruity ones that taste amazing with no sweetener (Republic of Tea has a HUGE selection). You'll get your caffeine fix without the sugar. :)

  2. I do like iced tea! I will have to look into Republic of Tea for some good ones that don't need sweetening. I can't say I am going so far as to eliminate all artificial sweeteners from my diet, but the large amounts I get in soda are going to be a start!

  3. You go, girl! I gave up all soda some years back and now much prefer cool water to everything else. Are there days I miss Caffeine? YOU BETCHA! But you learn to power through it eventually. Most people think I only want water because I don't want to be any trouble, or I don't like what they're serving. It's hard for people to accept that maybe I just like water. Besides, there is research that says drinking 8 oz of water one hour before a meal leads to weight loss.
