Thursday, April 28, 2011

Laughter is music

There are so many days that I’m ready to pull my hair out and I know I yell at the kids way more than I should but fortunately if you do enough things right some of the other things can be forgiven. And my kids, on a whole are happy. Could I be full of myself and in denial? Possibly. But I do know that their bad moods and tantrums pass and they frequently are caught enjoying life. Together.


Both my boys love books and love to giggle at the funny stories


or at something as simple as ribbon




Or maybe it is just that someone else is laughing…

What I do know is that I love all kinds of music for many different reasons, but my absolute favorite sound is the sound of my children laughing. It reminds me that even on my worst days  when I feel I am the crappiest parent that ever there was my children are not broken, they are quite the opposite.  Do they have the perfect Mommy? No. Do they have every toy known to man? No. They do have a love for life and love to laugh and it is music to my ears!


  1. This is such a sweet post! Years ago at the nursery, Bevin and I were SO stressed out on a shift and I said, "I don't think the kids can possibly be having fun in this much chaos." Then Bevin and I turned and looked at the kids and they were happy and playing, content in knowing that we were running ourselves ragged taking care of their needs. Bevin laughed and said, "Yeah, I think they are fine." I always think of that as a reminder that kids' needs are pretty basic and they are mostly forgiving of us when we are not perfect. You are such a good mama!! :)

  2. Thanks Marci! I have to remind myself sometimes that while it is my job to provide new learning experiences for my children, it is not necessary to entertain them at all times. Plus some of the funnest times are the unscheduled ones!
