Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Why Does the Easter Bunny Hate Me?

I am convinced seasonal candy is part of  a massive  conspiracy to undermine the efforts of the overweight of America. Who can easily diet  eat healthy when there is always the tempting lure of brightly wrapped seasonal candy? Halloween, Christmas, Valentine’s Day and of course Easter. No wonder we have to work our booties off before swimsuit season, we eat candy all winter! I am sure that I am not alone in this, but I associate positive childhood memories with delicious treats. Not exclusively, but most of the family traditions I enjoy also include some sort of treat. Lets take trip down my memory lane…


These sweet little tarts were a staple of our childhood Easter Baskets. Yellow was the best.Chicks, Ducks, and Bunnies that are oh so sweet!!!


Oh yes, the beautifully colored foil covered chocolate eggs. Yum!


I don’t necessarily recall these being in our baskets as a child, I think I may have discovered them as a young adult. I do know that these delicious eggs would help keep me awake those long grave nights I used to work. Oh, and they have made red and green ones for Christmas, but they are not as good. Apparently they have to be pastel spring colors to be delicious, you know, like how the red M&Ms taste the best. Seriously, you know it to be true!


Jelly beans. Well, they’ve never really been a favorite of mine. I would never miss them in my basket, but if there must be jelly beans they absolutely have to be Starburst Jelly Beans. The best jelly beans evar!


We would get the little Robin Eggs every year, and I remember always getting them confused with the gum that was the same shape and size that we seemed to always get as well.


This is a World’s Finest Chocolate Solid Milk Chocolate Bunny. SOLID chocolate, none of that hollow bunny business.  Each of us would get one in our Easter Basket every year. This bad boy would take us weeks to eat. I have specific memories of slowly gnawing off ears and the basket (always in the same order) until it mostly a slobbery mess.

Sure this looks like a lot of candy, but as I recall the loose candy could easily fill about half of a sandwich size Ziploc bag so my parents weren’t putting us into sugar comas. But somehow as an adult I feel like it won’t be Easter without these tasty little sweets. It is silly of course, because my children are still young, they don’t know any better. But I still struggle with the thought that to get the warm fuzzy feelings I need to indulge in these treats. This year I said NO MORE! Okay, so I do believe I will still have some candy, but I have refused to continually buy bags  before Easter itself  to keep in our house as seasonal treats!

So I ask why does the Easter Bunny hate me? Why is undermining my efforts to be a healthier person? You know he’s not alone, Santa and that stupid baby with the bow and arrow are in on it too!

How about you? What are your favorite Easter memories? Do they include food? Am I the only one whose memories are riddled with candy?




  1. I hear ya,sister!! I have been working hard to eat healthy and be more active and was steadily losing weight--even through Christmas-- UNTIL EASTER CANDY WAS ON THE SHELVES. Since then, I have maintained, but not lost one single pound. It is just the best!! And the worst. But, either way, YUM!

  2. You know, I knew I had issues about myself and food, but I didn't realize how much I obsess about what my kids eat. Trying to find the perfect balance so they don't have to struggle the way I do. I was chatting with a friend the other day and she seemed to think it was strange I put so much thought into it, that she doesn't really think about it at all. I wish I could be that way, but the candy calls me!
