Wednesday, August 10, 2011

It is that time of the year!



The aroma-o-crayola is in the air and the glue sticks are aplenty.That’s right, around here it is time for school! In less than a week our Little Moo starts Kindergarten! I vacillate between teary-eyed reflection on where the time has gone and being excited for him to be out of my hair experience this milestone.




I know that I will enjoy some of the morning quiet but….yeah that’s it!

He is ready for kindergarten and super excited and I couldn’t ask for more!  I absolutely LOVED school until the day I graduated. I was the kid that woke myself up at 5am (hours before my parents) because I couldn’t sleep and I would be dressed and ready to go 15 minutes later. Okay, so shocker I was a bit of a goody-goody but I liked school and I can only hope my children do to!

This time of year always reminds me of one of my all time favorite commercials!

Does it speak to my personality much that my favorite commercial is for school supplies? Yeah…that’s what I thought.

Currently I am fighting the urge to be sucked into the Back-to-School must buy everything new madness. First off, his school starts earlier than most schools so it will still be summer. I surely won’t be buying new shorts for just a couple weeks so he will be sporting non-stained clean summer clothes. If the teacher is lucky I will be able to convince him to wear underwear (that isn’t on backwards)  and put his sandals on the correct feet. Then of course some of the supplies he needs are things we have so why buy more? I’m hoping to teach our kids that we don’t have to have everything new the first day of school. I’ve even read that some families set a budget (which I love!) and if the kids save themselves money they get to keep the rest. I still have a few years before we are ready for that, but it is something to consider for sure!

New school supplies or not I hope that our Little Moo enjoys his school experience and continues to love learning. Hopefully there isn’t a crying ball of mess on the floor of the classroom the first day of kindergarten, but check back to see how I did!!!


  1. How fun! I still like shopping for "school" supplies... only now they are grown up office supplies, and I really don't need them.

  2. I'm the same way! I love to get new pens and cute post it notes and whatnot. Especially when I can occasionally get them free with coupons :)
