Monday, August 1, 2011

One is Fun!!!

Our little baby boy is one!!! I can’t believe how quickly the year has passed and how much he has grown. You would think that since he isn’t our first this would come as no surprise, but it still always shocks and amazes us!


I love one. I love watching children this age (especially my own!) soak up everything like a sun dried, dehydrated sponge. Everything is new and exciting and they don’t talk back yet and haven’t started the “terrible twos” thing. Sure each age has its drawbacks and perks but I really enjoy that you can teach them so much and they still haven’t figured out that you don’t always know what on earth you are doing. Our Littlest Moo loves books and being read to and “talking” on the phone. He is so curious and already appears to have some problem solving skills. He isn’t walking yet, but we are in no rush and we know it will be coming soon. We remember what that entails, once they start walking everything changes and you can’t go back. Right now for him everything is a hat and he thinks it is fantastic to take one thing and put it into another. Oh to be entertained by such simple things in life!


I wish this stage would last longer but since the only way to accomplish that would be to stunt his growth both physically and academically and in my line of work I know what damage this can do so I think we’ll opt for soaking up as much of it as we can and enjoy our little man and all his stages.


**Oh and I’d like to add a special shout out to my friend Stacumz and my SIL for helping to capture the special moments of the boys’ party. I was able to take some photos but was helping the kids for a good part of it and they filled in where I was absent. They contributed some great shots to our collection of party pictures, thanks ladies!!!

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