Thursday, August 18, 2011

The Wheels on the Bus…

For the first couple days Little Moo took the Mommy bus to school and I walked him to his classroom door where he put his little backpack in line, but now it is time for him to ride an ACTUAL bus. I told him on the first day of school (when he wanted to ride the bus!) that I would take him for a couple days and on Friday he could ride the bus.Tomorrow is Friday. I am FREAKING OUT!!!!  I still can’t get past the idea that he is going to have to get to his classroom from the playground without direction. The last couple days we’ve talked about what he’ll do when he gets off the bus and where he should go and how to find his classroom. But of course I’ve got a little boy with a gaze that wanders to the glorious playground and I doubt he really knows why he should put his bag in one line vs. another.



Of course this is it. This is the time that I actually have to let go, let him get lost and hope he learns from it and doesn’t end up traumatized. There are staff and teachers all around as well as bigger helpful kids. I’ve drilled into him his teacher’s name in case he ends up in the wrong place so he can tell them where he belongs. I am certain am I far more concerned about this than he is  (in fact he is excited)  so it is my job as Mom to collect myself, assure him he can do this and put him on that bus!

Wish me luck!


Oh and maybe a little luck for my Little Moo as well!


  1. So, since there wasn't a subsequent trauma story, can we assume Little Moo made it to his classroom with minimal adventure?

  2. Lol, yes sorry! I meant to update. He made it to his classroom peril free! But he was bursting with pride and so was I!
