Thursday, June 7, 2012

Cookie Monsters, Delivered!

We live in a pretty friendly neighborhood. We have good friends down the street and between here and there all our neighbors will kindly wave as we pass in our cars and exchange general pleasantries if we should see each other face to face, which doesn’t happen all that often.

One of our neighbors is particularly friendly (which I suppose is useful in his line of work) and sometimes will chat with Zippercow about their various yard projects and what not. He is a supplier/distributor/salesman….okay, I can honestly say I don’t know exactly what it is he does, but he does something with snack goods. So over the years we have gotten bags of free chips, coupons for $ off or in some cases free (!), crackers and other various sorts of snacks. This makes him very popular with the kids.

And today he delivered.

While getting the kids out of the van after picking up Little Moo we have this brief conversation

Friendly Neighbor: “Hey! I have a van full of stuff that you guys need!” (okay, now I can’t recall his exact words, but it was something in that vain)

Me: I look at him skeptically and laugh “Oh?” His tone tells me it’s something I don’t actually need.

Friendly Neighbor: “I have a van full of cookies, we just bought such and such (okay I don’t remember the specifics) so I have a ton of product. I’ve given it out to the other neighbors too.”

Well how can I say no to free cookies in front of the kids? He got me.  He’s good. He must be VERY good at sales (or whatever it is he does).  The kids wander over and collect some packages of cookies and they are on cloud nine.


I’m sure I sound ungrateful, but I’m not. Just scared for my willpower. There is a reason I only get small one serving sizes of cookies while out with the kids and I intentionally don’t buy packages of cookies that sit in the pantry. The only reason there are still the WhoNu cookies in the pantry is because they are GROSS.  The kids are super excited though, so we’ll just say, “Thank you neighbor!”.


**what should have actually said was “Hey neighbor, you have any bell peppers in the back of that van? Because man those suckers be expensive!”

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