Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Home Grown

Now that the fence is done (ish) we thought we would try our hand at growing some of our own produce.


So last year I managed to keep a couple drought tolerant plants alive (for the most part) so clearly I am an expert on the subject don’t cha know.

Not really, so I am trying this year. Zippercow, who grew up in his mother’s garden, keeps telling me that it isn’t that hard and you just have to try and see what works in the area. That sounds easy until you are the one fingered for killing all the plants (or hell, failing to get them to grow) and pouring a bunch of money down the drain or in this case covering it in dirt (can I try my hand at a money tree???).  So despite the entirely childish meltdown I had about this ( in Home Depot nonetheless) and am, to this day, embarrassed about, I am going to give it a try.

We had some left over materials from our fence so Zippercow got to pull out his fancy fence building tools and fashion me this.


It’s beautiful isn’t it? My husband is so handy. Except…now I will feel even worse if all that comes of it is wet dirt.


Thanks to my friend who had extra tomato plants I have a few things that might stand a chance. I hope.


We also were given some seeds from my friend. My friend rocks! I needed something to mark our rows with. I wanted to paint them all pretty (you know, like you’d see on pinterest?) but wanted to get them out before I forgot where everything was. And if you may remember, our yard is FULL of rocks, so easy peasy!


Little Moo is beyond excited about this process and since he is our veggie eater (I know right?!) he wanted to help plant and water. My skills are about matched to his so maybe together we can get a couple of plants to grow?

Wish us luck!

1 comment:

  1. Good for you guys! The kiddos love helping in the garden—it's like magic to them the way everything grows so fast this time of year!
