Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Happy National Peanut Butter Lover’s Day!

Oh happy day!!! As a kick of to National Peanut Month March 1st is apparently known as National Peanut Butter Lover’s Day! This is recently known to me (like within the last hour) but since I just shared my favorite things I thought I just HAD to post on this because…

peanut butter is my ABSOLUTE FAVORITE!!!!

Seriously peeps, I really really love chocolate but I LOOOVVVEE peanut butter even more. If you know me at all you will know that I am famous for saying “peanut butter makes everything better”. And it is so true. First you start with this

jif creamy

then you add, well anything. Some great ideas are celery, carrots, apples, pears, saltines, ritz crackers, graham crackers, pretzels and of course ANY combination of peanut butter and chocolate! And it is no coincidence that today is also IHOP’s National Pancake Day, because lets face it, the only way to eat pancakes (or waffles) is with peanut butter and syrup.  Don’t forget the classic lunchtime staple, peanut butter and jelly!


Peanut butter toast is great too. So fabulous in fact, I eat a slice of whole wheat  toast with peanut butter and a small glass of milk every morning for breakfast, even when I was pregnant! I’m positive that is why Little Moo is also quite the peanut butter fan.

Some other great peanut butter tasties





And of course this wonderful cookbook by Jessica Seinfeld introduced our family to peanut butter and jelly muffins, scrumptious!

Don’t forget how much peanut butter adds to desserts. Great in brownies, just make the brownies as you normally would and before putting them in the oven put some dollops of  peanut butter in the batter and swirl it in with a butter knife.


Or peanut butter cookies!

1 cup peanut butter, 1 cup sugar and 1 egg. Mix together and bake 10-11 minutes at 400 degrees.


They are great plain, or you can add a chocolate to the top for a extra special treat. I also make excellent peanut butter oatmeal chocolate chip cookies. They are my signature cookie! Ask for the recipe sometime, they are great!

I could go on about the magnificence of peanut butter (and on and on) but I will leave you to it. How do you like your peanut butter?

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