Thursday, March 10, 2011

I’m Still Here!

Don’t worry, I haven’t already abandoned my blog. I’m sure those of you that know me might think that I have, but with our new laptop it has become much easier to post something real quick while the children are playing  not so cooperatively. However, every spare moment this last week has gone to caulking, scrubbing walls and taping. It’s exciting to be so close to finishing this project. Tomorrow we will have paint on 2 of our kitchen walls!!! I’ve had some “help” from the children and pets


This would be Zippy “helping” me by climbing into the box I had pulled out to put kitchen stuff in.  I should know better than leaving an empty box unattended with 2 cats and a gaggle of children about. He also assisted by nudging my elbow while I was attempting to apply caulk on the baseboards. He is super helpful that way.

Whilst preparing to paint I’ve slowly worked at making our room less of a disaster. Here is a terrifying before


And now for the less terrifying after


Not nearly as put together as I’d like it to be, but there is the potential and clearly I don’t believe in working on one project at a time. Yes, that would be the drawer from the other desk on top full of stuff for me to go through, but I can see the top of the desk and eventually I will be able to make space to put more BOOKS on the bookshelf , novel I know! It’s funny, as a teenager I relished a crazy room. I always knew where everything was and when my room was spotless it actually made me anxious. That is SOOO not the case now.  More that just a little clutter makes me anxious. Not in a “I need to be on my hands and knees scrubbing everyday” kind of way, but I do like to be able to use the desk and counter without having to move a bunch of things, and I don’t like tripping over, stepping on or sitting on toys. I know I’m not alone in this!  Is my house spotless? Not even close, but my goal is to keep things organized enough that it is just a matter of throwing some things in a basket and making the beds. Okay, if someone new is visiting I might dust…MAYBE.

Oh, and that desk took Zippercow over 5 hours to put together…sheesh!

1 comment:

  1. I'm twice your age and here to tell you, that organizing thing never gets much better. But you feel better when you've done it, and that's what counts.
